Division East cast and crew will be heavy reppin' come 10/25 at Axis Lounge. Bunch of other dope cliques as well.

Halloween is going to be out of control. The following two days November 1st and 2nd will be raging at
Division East 2/Garden Sk8 GRAND OPENING and we'll have a flyer for that very soon. Meanwhile check out how good Steve Bauer is at making stuff

Shape and GDP went on a little New England road trip this past weekend and...

Some people were wearing chicken suits

The one man army Ason has a liquor store in Pittsfield, MA

Some happy concert goers at the Zeitgeist Art Gallery in Pittsfield

Zach Baker held down Bean Town as he has so many times before. Thanks brother.

Some Ax Throwers rolled through for about 30 seconds or so

Blunts were smoked

Cigarettes too. Biggups to DJ No Requests for manning the wheels of youknowwhat

Shape and GDP made songs

Nick from Pittsfield got so drunk in Boston he threw up on the way home. Respect.