Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Yes Yes Ya'll

Division East Winter 08 Promo Vid Premiers 12/7 and attached along with it will be a Division East Records sampler dealy. I'll have all the info on that shortly. Meanwhile, go to this tomorrow it's going to be completely awesome.

Over Thanksgiving Break Ken Eddelson housed the annual Brovember Meatfest and it was incredible. There was elk, buffalo, cow, rabbit, venosin, and all sorts of other awesome shit.

After everyone pigged out countless dead animals we all chugged beers

Needless to say Brovember was a success

G. Wallace is home and he gets drunk sometimes

If anyone has pictures of anything awesome or Division East related they'd like to see on the blog by all means send them to ASAP
I'll have some flicks from tomorrows festivities by Friday kiddies. Til then keep up with cuz they rule.
